ACCIONA to triple its electric motorcycle fleet in Rome

Social27 Jan 2021

The company will triple the number of available motorcycles from 500 to 1,700 units starting Sept...

TEST from Cropo to Energy

Corporate27 Jan 2021

TEST from Cropo to Energy


The company scored 91 points out of 100, and ranked third in the overall global ranking, behind M...

ACCIONA wins €560 million railway contract in the Philippines

Corporate28 Sep 2020

It is the second contract awarded to the company for the construction of th...


Corporate23 Sep 2020

The company continues to grow in Chile with the construction of the new Mal...

ACCIONA is leading IBEX35 company for sustainability reporting in ECOACT ranking

Corporate23 Sep 2020

The company scored 91 points out of 100, and ranked third in the overall global ranking, behind M...

our last stories


Test Enero

Water5 Jan 2022

Test Enero

Water5 Jan 2022


Introducción de prueba

Our projects from another point of view

Parques forestales y jardines históricos: diez años velando por el aire puro y la cultura de Madrid

ACCIONA cumple una década a cargo de las grandes joyas botánicas de Madrid, cuidando de su biodiversidad y custodiando el patrimonio histórico para las generaciones futuras. Te lo mostramos en este precioso reportaje.

Our projects from another point of view

Mundaring DWTP (Australia): the plant behind the largest drinking water distribution network in the world

Every day, this plant processes the water on which more than 100,000 people depend thanks to a set of innovative technologies and sustainable processes.

Our projects from another point of view

Tunnel Boring Machines Enter Immersive Realities

ACCIONA has begun virtualizing its tunneling operations. This process allows real-time monitoring and optimization of tunnel boring machine operations without needing to be physically present, using technologies like virtual reality headsets.

Our projects from another point of view

Red-Tailed Hawk: The Solar Power Plant Heralding the End of Fossil Fuels in Texas

ACCIONA Energía's largest photovoltaic plant globally has begun supplying renewable energy to Texas, the heart of the U.S. oil industry.

Our projects from another point of view

20 Years of Commitment to Sustainability and Innovation

After more than 80 years of history, we embarked on a new journey two decades ago: the ACCIONA brand was born, championing a visionary approach to sustainability long before it was a mainstream topic. Today, we continue to lead the charge towards a sustainable future, proving that business can be done differently.

Our projects from another point of view

How a Solar Project Revealed One of Spain's Greatest Archaeological Finds

ACCIONA Energía's Extremadura I-II-III solar plants have led to the discovery—and protection—of a site that holds over three thousand years of history, from the Copper Age to the Roman Empire.

The latest news about sustainability

Water-free toilets? These ideas are redefining sanitation

Evaporative and dry toilets: innovations bringing sanitation to vulnerable communities around the globe.

The latest news about sustainability

Fog catchers: a solution for collecting water in times of drought

Collectors can harvest up to 400 liters of water a day, transforming life in arid areas where there is a high presence of fog, like the Atacama desert.

The latest news about sustainability

Surprising Places You Never Expected to See Solar Panels

From reservoirs to solar roads, discover the unexpected locations where solar panels are being installed, reshaping the landscape of self-consumption and renewable energy.

The latest news about innovation

Unlocking Nature’s Mysteries with the “Internet of Animals”

A groundbreaking scientific project will use satellites and solar-powered sensors to monitor wildlife and ecosystems across the globe.

The latest news about innovation

New Desalination Technology Combines Freshwater, Renewable Power, and Resource Recovery

LIFE INDESAL aims to address global water and energy challenges in an era defined by climate change and dwindling resources.

The latest news about innovation

Wind Energy Repowering: Wind Turbines Come of Age

After proving their worth over several decades, a new generation of wind turbines is now replacing existing installations with more powerful and efficient units.

The latest in People

Believe and grow: an approach to growth mindset

Is talent innate or can it be developed? Psychologist Carol Dweck discusses how a fixed mindset or a growth mindset can either limit or boost our professional development.

The latest in People

Arthemus Pugliesi: “São Paulo’s Orange Line 6 is the project of my life”

Arthemus Pugliesi is Site Manager at ACCIONA in Brazil. With a promising career in one of the largest infrastructure companies in the country, he decided to bet on ACCIONA, attracted by its technology, its potential, and its team.

The latest in People

4 key questions to plan efficient meetings

We spend much of our time in business meetings. Asking ourselves these questions before we organise them can help us improve collaboration and efficiency.

Press kit

In our press kit you will find basic content about our corporation and all the graphic resources you need.

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  • Logos
  • Executive summaries
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  • Magazine Nº 75